
Status: Stocking
With a rich content of vitamins and minerals, soursop helps to improve overall health, while preventing aging, giving you a smooth, youthful skin.
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Soursop is log trees range in height from 6 to 8 meters. The leaves are alternate, smooth surface, curly fruit shape. Flowers have 6 petals facing each other, 3 outer petals are yellowish green and 3 inner petals are bright yellow. The berry is ovoid, with many spines on the outside. The pulp is white inside and has many dark brown seeds.

Analysis of the nutritional composition of soursop, for every 100g of pulp contains:

  • Vitamins: 25% vitamin C, 32% vitamins of group C and Choline
  • Minerals: Fe, Ca, Na, Zn, P, K, Mg
  • Energy: 66Kcal
  • Sugar: 13.54g
  • Protein: 1g
  • Fiber: 3.3 g
  • Fat: 0.3g
  • Anti-oxidant, beautify skin, foster health

With a rich content of vitamins and minerals, soursop helps to improve overall health, while preventing aging, giving you a smooth, youthful skin.

Improve immune system

Soursop contains much more vitamin C than bananas, grapes or pineapples. For every 100g of custard-apple you have provided about 200mg of vitamin C for your body. Therefore, this fruit has a positive effect in improving the activity of the immune system.

Stimulating digestion

Soursop contains a lot of fiber so it promotes digestion, stimulates intestinal contraction and creates an ideal environment for beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract to grow.

Strengthen teeth and bones

Eating soursop regularly will help the skeleton be strong and firm. This benefit is due to the phosphorus and calcium in this fruit.

Improving anemia

This is also a health benefit of soursop. Thanks to the high amount of iron, this fruit helps to regenerate red blood cells, prevents and improves the symptoms of anemia such as dizziness, dizziness, fatigue, pale skin ...

Reduce blood pressure

For people with high blood pressure, custard-apple is a great choice. This fruit helps to regulate blood pressure, prevent stroke complications caused by this disease.

Prevent cardiovascular diseases

The reason that soursop has this effect is because it contains more potassium and magnesium. These substances play an important role in controlling heart rate and reducing systolic blood pressure, maintaining the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
