Sliced ​​Korean Dried Persimmons

Status: Stocking
Sliced ​​Korean Dried Persimmons are seedless, and have a soft, chewy texture that is not dry or tough like industrially dried persimmons. They have a natural sweetness that is just right and a soft and sweet aroma.
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Sliced ​​Korean Dried Persimmons are a traditional Korean food produced using a traditional method of 100% natural sun-drying, which ensures the full nutritional value of the persimmons.

The dried persimmons come in yellow-orange or deep orange-red colors (depending on the season), are seedless, and have a soft, chewy texture that is not dry or tough like industrially dried persimmons. They have a natural sweetness that is just right and a soft and sweet aroma.

Nutritional Information:

Sliced ​​Korean Dried Persimmons are not only good for health but also help people stay alert, increase work efficiency, and prevent high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, they are also used when suffering from stomach ailments, especially gastrointestinal disorders.

Usage Instructions:

They are perfect to be paired with hot tea, bringing a delicious and irresistible flavor.

Storage Instructions:

Store at -10°C (Frozen)

When consuming, transfer the dried persimmons to the refrigerator's cool compartment at a temperature of 3-5°C and use within 7 days from the temperature transfer.


Sliced ​​Korean Dried Persimmons contain natural sugars, so it is not advisable to consume too much at once.

Do not consume persimmons after eating eggs, crab soup, goose meat, or sweet potatoes as it can cause food poisoning.

Why buy Sliced ​​Korean Dried Persimmons from Ant Farm?

  • Ant Farm is a reputable supplier of CLEAN and QUALITY imported fruits in Vietnam.

  • Always ensures the originality of the product.

  • Is a PARTNER of large supermarket systems such as Aeon, Lotte, Vincom, Big C, An Nam, Nam An, King Food, Fine Life...

  • Directly imports products, so the price is always the BEST in the market.

  • Provides exchange and return if the product is damaged due to the company.
