Egyptian Lemon

Status: Stocking
Egyptian yellow lemon fruit is large, oval shape, not too thick peel, beautiful golden color. Lemon has a mild sour taste and characteristic aroma.
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Egyptian yellow lemon with large, golden fruit, attractive aroma. This type of lemon is less acidic than our lemon, suitable for making soft drinks or seasoning in many delicious dishes.

1. High quality Egyptian yellow lemon

Egyptian lemons are grown in large farms, where the climate and soil conditions are suitable for flowering and fruit trees such as Nubaria and New Valley districts. The excellent climate and fertile soils of these regions, together with the readily available irrigation water provided by the Nile, year-round sunshine greatly contributes to the production of quality lemons for human consumption. Egyptian domestic and export.

Egyptian farmers take good care of the tree, help lemons grow quickly, limit pests, succulent and keep the full content of nutrients in the fruit.

Egyptian yellow lemon fruit is large, oval shape, not too thick peel, beautiful golden color. Lemon has a mild sour taste and characteristic aroma.

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2. Uses of Egyptian lemon

The Egyptian yellow lemon has an acid ratio of 5% to 6%, with a pH of 2.2. Yellow lemon is less sour but has a high vitamin C content, good for the body's resistance.

Egyptian yellow lemon is recognized with the following uses:
- Helps purify toxins, detox effectively
- Support weight loss, slim body
- Anti-inflammatory, reduce stress
- Reduce the risk of stroke and dangerous cancers
- Helps skin look young, full of vitality.

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3. Instructions for use and maintenance

Storage instructions

Yellow lemon should be stored in a cool, dry place, avoiding direct sunlight. Do not use the product if there are signs of damage.

User manual

Egyptian lemons can use everything from lemon juice to lemon zest. Yellow lemon mixed beverage, combined with soda taste will be great. Lemon juice is also a special seasoning in many dishes such as soups, salads, fish or meat dishes.

Chefs around the world and housewives love the cool aroma of lemon peels, so they are often used in cakes or cooking spices.