Passion fruit

Status: Stocking
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Passion fruit has a sweet and sour taste and aroma. Passion fruit is more preferred in Vietnam at the summer. Not only for refreshing drinks, but passion fruit is also considered an especially healthy medicine due to its abundant source of vitamins.

Passion fruit has the scientific name of Passiflora Incarnate. As a type of vine, with a creeping body. Body slippery, with a little fluff. Passion fruit is roughly equal in shape and slightly larger than a chicken egg. Passion fruit is green in color and turns dark brown when ripe.

Nutritional ingredients: 

Passion fruit contains many amino acids: tysorin, prolin, valine, treonin, leaucine, arginin. Vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, iron, potassium, phosphorus are plentiful. There are also other compounds such as phennolic acid, phytochemicals, and flavonoids. 

One passion fruit provides 10% of the daily requirement for phosphorus, iron, very good for teeth and bones, enhances vitality and (active) energy during the day. 

Passion fruit helps maintain Blood Pressure. In 100g passion fruit has 348mg potassium, helps balance sodium shallow and dilate veins. Minerals in the fruit can increase blood flow and reduce blood vessel tension, stabilize blood pressure.

In passion fruit contains Polyphenols and flavonoids that are capable of preventing the growth of cancer cells, especially oral and lung cancer. Passion fruit is high in fiber and simple sugars do not raise blood sugar, which helps maintain insulin levels in diabetics. The high amount of fiber is only after almonds and coconut, so passion fruit helps laxatives, prevents constipation, strengthens the digestive system.

Significant amount of vitamin A helps passion fruit nourish the eyes, reducing the risk of eye diseases
