Purple Artichokes

Status: Out of stock
Purple artichoke is a high-grade vegetable that can be used for leaves, roots and flowers, and can be dried as raw materials for tea processing
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Purple artichoke cotton not only has a beautiful purple color, they are also rich in nutritional value and good for health. Imported fresh artichoke is sweet, if you like the bitter taste, you can chill it and then eat the petals raw.

1. Quality fresh purple artichoke cotton

Purple artichoke is a high-grade vegetable that can be used for leaves, roots and flowers, and can be dried as raw materials for tea processing. The leaves are soft, purple in color, fleshy inside, and rich in flavor.

2. Nutritional information of purple artichoke

Purple artichokes are low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, natural antioxidants, protein... help increase resistance, purify the body, diuretic, liver tonic, reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, reduce stress/fatigue, loss of appetite...

3. How to use it and how to properly store it

Fresh artichoke cotton can be used to cook drinking water, dry to make tea, make jam or process into many delicious, attractive and nutritious dishes for both mother and baby such as artichoke stew with pork, chicken with mushrooms, artichokes with mushrooms, etc. artichoke soup with bone stew…

Methods of preservation
Purple artichoke can be put in a zip bag or wrapped in newspaper, stored in the refrigerator.
If you have prepared artichokes but have not used them immediately, you should soak purple artichokes in a basin of water mixed with a little lemon juice.